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    Talk to California’s Bay Area Experts in Large Tent Rentals & More

    Event planning involves several phases, many considerations, and countless ways things could go wrong. However, there’s no need to stress about your event coming together when you contact Special Events. Our Northern California location services all of the Bay Area, and our team boasts over 30 years of experience in the event planning industry. We specialize in large tent rentals and provide an array of services that make us your one-stop-shop for designing your outdoor venue. Get in touch with our experts today to learn more about how we make event set-up stress free.

    A Vast Range of Festival Rental Services from Special Events

    Our team strives to leave no stone unturned when it comes to event planning. We want to ensure you and your guests have everything you need to be comfortable during your event and enjoy your time together. Our primary services include:

    • Large tent rentals: We have a full inventory of tents in various sizes for whatever gathering you’re planning. No matter which tent meets your needs, our experienced installers can have your space set up in no time.
    • Stages: The stage is the centerpiece of any music festival. At Special Events, we take pride in our selection of portable stages and festival rentals. Elevate your musical acts or put on an awards ceremony in style.
    • Tables and chairs: No event is complete without food. Choose dining tables and chairs that will impress your guests and finish off the dining area with our table top service.
    • Linens: Add a pop of color to your dining or entertainment space with our selection of linens. Pick from an extensive list of colors and fabrics to find one that matches your style. While you’re at it, add accessories like garlands and drapes to your large tent rental.
    • Shows/Meetings: If you’re planning a corporate meeting in the Bay Area, Special Events is here for you. Our selection of items is designed to ensure you have everything you need.
    • Other equipment: If you’ve thought of an additional detail you need to make your event or festival complete, browse our array of other event equipment. We can provide nearly anything, including fans, heating, and wastebaskets.

    Special Events


    174 Lawrence Drive, Suite A
    Livermore, CA 94551

    Phone Number:

    Toll-Free: 800-540-0657

    Hours of Operation:

    Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

    place setting

    Special Events Brings Large Tent Rentals to You in the Bay Area

    Special Events’ office is conveniently located off a major route connecting Livermore, CA to San Jose and the Bay Area. No matter where you’re located within Northern California and the Bay Area, our professional team of installers will bring your festival rentals to you. At Special Events, we want your events to run as smoothly as possible, even if your venue is deep into the Bay Area. Get in touch with our team for a free quote or to let us know how we can help you.