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Our Tent Rental Inventory Has You Covered

Tent your next event with the best in the Bay Area and we’ll make sure your occasion can’t be missed.

Party Tents For Every Purpose

Throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, clients prefer Special Events to accommodate their short- and long-term tent rental needs. Our diverse inventory and extensive experience allow us to offer excellent solutions for projects of all scopes, including corporate and nonprofit events and weddings. Celebrating a birthday, graduation, anniversary or retirement? We treat every party with care.

Get in touch with our friendly tent rental consultants who will happily make detailed recommendations based on your specific requirements.


Tent Rentals for Your Needs

Superior Quality Tent Rentals for Your Needs

We will take care of your tent rentals from A to Z

In the Bay Area, tents are increasingly important to warehouses, manufacturers, and construction companies. Whether you need to store machinery, protect a construction site from rain, or simply provide shade for workers, our high-quality tents can do the job.

The Special Events team will happily come down to your location and set up a specific tent to fit your needs. Our dedicated team will ensure your rental needs are met. Click below for more information regarding our exceptional services.

Get in Touch!

At Special Events, we strive to provide personalized customer service. If you need help selecting the perfect long-term tent rental solution, let us know! We are available and will respond quickly to your needs. Our long term tent rentals have been used by many organizations for weeks and months at a time.

At Special Events, we know there’s a perfect tent for you, so get in touch!


Contact Us

Email us to request a quote.


174 Lawrence Dr Suite A, Livermore, CA 94551


Toll-Free: 800-540-0657

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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